Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Preliminary work for temple assignment

The temple my teammates (Michael, Olivia) and I have selected for this small recreation of a temple facade is the Temple to Jupiter Optimus Maximus.

Location: Capitoline Hill, Rome, Italy.
Size: Approxmiately 60mx60m (200ftx200ft)
Date: dedicated Semptember 13, 509 BC (Year of Rpoman Republic)
Gods: Dedicated to Triad (Jupiter, Juno, Minerva)
Sculptures: Reference to there being sculptures in the shrine. Definitely a sculpture of the triad. Another of Marcus Aurelius making a sacrifice.
Coinage: A coin with the temple of Jupiter exists. It seems it may have been the first temple to be presented on a coin in the Roman Empire.
Roman temples have small statues along the roof of the temples.

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