Sunday, March 2, 2014

The countryside is said to be important to be essential to archaeologists. This is due, first and foremost, it is because of the agricultural land found in the countryside that the Ancient world was able to find the power and sophistication it did. However there a multiple dimensions to the countryside also, which include the everyday politics, social hierarchies, cultic practices and military stances. Alcock states that the countryside was an indispensable part of the complex societies of the classical antiquity. Without the countryside, food ranging from the Mediterranean triad to game and animal husbandry could not exist and thus not allow the main cities to prosper.

This is Attica. The region that held the polis of Athens
The god that often divided boundaries in countrysides was Hermes. Hermetic statues often divided their boundaries with protruding penises on the statue that created invisible lines by connecting them. 

The type of survey used in some cases to cover more area than an expedition would, as well as being more cost-effective, is regional survey. This methodology, as it's name suggests, surveys a region of land where the surface may suggest human activity. 

One of the unusual things about one of the farms that have been discovered through survey was that it has something that is not usually found on a farm or in a farm house: it is called an andron. The andron is a room that was reserved for men where parties were usually thrown and therefore held many couches with food and wine. However, it is quite usual to see the outbuilding, terraces threshing floor and field boundary. 

Pausanias was an author of the second century who travelled the better part of Greece, writing everything he saw. He wrote much about antiquity, that is to say things of his past such as tombs, relics and other religious burial sites. Pausanias suggests that there were many shrines and artifacts of the gods that existed in the countryside, some ranging from Artemis and Demtre to Zeus. A specific shrine to Artemis spoken about by Pausanias was one found in Brauron that was usually a shrine for young women who were on the verge of getting married and integrating into the adult social culture. They usually dressed as little bears and danced around this shrine to achieve this status. 

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